All important forms are listed in the left hand column AND in the forms section of your FACTS account! Included, but not limited to: physical form, dental, medical dispersment, registration, etc.
Flu season:
Remember, if students have had a fever, they may not return to school until they have been fever-free, no medication (no fever) for 24-hours. If your student is sent home from school with a fever, they may not return to school the next day.
Medication: Students must have a signed permission form to take any medication—both over-the-counter and prescription. The new form includes permission from both the parent and doctor. Please send this to school if your student needs to take any medicine during the school day.
Antibiotics: Students must be on antibiotics prescribed by a doctor for at least 24 hours before returning to school. If they need to take medication while at school, please fill out the Medication Permission Form and return to school.
What to look for: Please keep your student home if they have fever, sore throat, chills, swollen glands, vomiting, unusual rash, abdominal pains, or pink/inflamed eyes.